September 16, 2023
President Don Reynolds presiding
10 members present.
Minutes read from August 2023 meeting.
No corrections or additions. Motion made and seconded to accept.
Ted Williams, Thomas Smith and Rollo van Slyke met with Kitsap Bank personnel to set new monetary arrangements.
Rollo van Slyke advises there is $////// in checking account; $////// in savings account; and a debit card is now available and activated . The debit card was necessary to be able to make monetary transactions online, such as renewing the club’s 501C status with Washington State non-profit business registry. Also noted was that there is an app for the club officers to monitor from a cell phone activities on the debit card.
Motion made and carried to have Thomas Smith renew the club’s status online, although he was not present, but has such experience having completed renewals of the club’s status in the past.
Ted Williams, PIO, contributed the following:
Ted and his wife devised a QR code label with the club’s name and address to apply to handouts at public events. Ted advised he is open to feedback on the design. The label can be modified to include club meetings dates and times and location.
Ted also obtained from the file cabinet club data information sheets to pass out at events for which the QR labels would be useful.
Ted also asked for and was granted a table representing the Burley Amateur Radio Club at the upcoming Fiber Arts Fair and Farm Tour at the Longbranch Improvement Club on October 7, 10:00am to 4:00 pm.. He also advised he would utilize the club banner and asked if the club has a canopy, if not he would use his own canopy.
Don Reynolds advised that he would send out a broadcast email to club members for volunteers.
It was advised to keep an eye out for opportunities to get our club information out to the public and prospective new HAMS.
Ted advised Longbranch has a newspaper and will proceed to advertise our club data either weekly or monthly.
Arne Bush suggested to contact the Gig Harbor Chamber of Commerce. Also that the Kitsap Hamfest is coming up on October 14th and could be an opportunity to have a club presence there. Arne further suggested that Mike and Key Club has a monthly news letter in which we have a mention of our club. Possibility that at Mike and Key’s next event to have a club info booth.
Ted advised that he would contact Arne by email.
It was noted that our own Thomas Smith should be consulted for his experience in setting up exhibits of our club in the past.
Don Reynolds advised investigation of other avenues for advertising our club, for instance, neighborhood nets, and/or putting together our own club net. It was advised that previously Lynn Neece mentioned that he has a net that might be utilized for the club.
Wayne Williams advised that he and a group of club members monitor on 6 meters on 51.750Mhz
There’s a Sunday night net on 10 meters (28.375) at 8pm.
Don advised that ARES will be having drills, simulated scenarios in which ARES members can practice skills, in the months that have 5 Saturdays, and on the 5th Saturday of this month (Oct 30th. At 9:00am) at 145.350 PL= 103.5. Regular ARES meetings are at Chapel Hill every month on the first Thursday at 1900, downstairs.
Ted noted that ARRL still has our club website listed wrong as .com, and a person cannot get to our website with .com. Wayne advised that formerly there were 2 websites for Burley Radio. The one we don’t use anymore ended with .com. We now use .org.
Motion made and carried to adjourn at 10:10.
Following the business meeting the members were treated to a super informative and fantastic program by David Haycock KI7AWR, of his own research into the effects of weather and geographic events on propagation of signals. Many, many thanks to David for sharing his