October 21, 2023
President Don Reynolds presiding
MINUTES: Minutes read from September 2023 meeting.
Motion made and seconded to accept the minutes with minor corrections.
Rollo van Slyke advised that the treasurer’s report is the same as last month. He also advised that the bank statement will be stored in the treasurer’s file in the file cabinet.
Comment made that led to the subject of putting a mail slot in the door of the clubhouse to receive the club mail which includes the bank statement, and insurance renewal notices. Up to now the mail has been delivered to Rollo’s personal P.O. box. The club has its own address. Rollo volunteered to check with the Burley post office to see if the mail delivery person will walk around to the clubhouse door to deliver club mail into a slot in the door. Motion made and seconded.
Regarding getting the club’s status current with the WA state dept. of small business, Thomas Smith advised that we need a trustee.
Ted Williams volunteered to act as second trustee.
Discussion regarding why the club has 2 call signs, W7BRC and W7JQ. It was resolved to keep both call signs and to use BARC as the club ID. Motion made and seconded.
Ted Williams advised the club presence at the Fiber Fair went well. He stated that he appreciated Don and Arne for helping set up. Also stated that it was nice having all the data from the file cabinet to pass out. Ted also offered that for anybody interested in an initial Tech license Renton Technical College will be having a class and test session on November 11 and 12.
A club member asked about the website. Wayne advised that currently he puts the calendar and the minutes (edited for privacy) on the website. There is no password now, but he advises if the club wants he can set it up for password protected. He states that a ‘members area’ was tried in the past but that nobody used it or could remember their password, but he is willing to do that again if the club so desires. Suggestion was made to possibly add a ‘things for sale’ column, maybe open to the public, and an ‘elmers’ column on the website.
Discussion as to getting the antenna operational so radios can work. Consensus was arrived at for a work party to first tip the tower being mindful of the drain field this Thursday possibly around 10:00 to prepare, then the actual lowering at noon. Kenton Otis states he will arrive to help by 2:30 or 3:00. Don advises he has pulleys, Thomas said we need at least 6 people on ropes, and more brush cutting is needed. Rollo added that we need ladders. Ted suggested that Don send out an email and that Wayne put the information out on the website.
Don advised that there is an ARES meeting at 7:00 pm, November 7 at Chapel Hill Church, downstairs.
Lynn Neece inquired if the club is interested in using his Net, which runs on Sundays at 8:00 pm on 10m, at 28.375. Lynn advised he was just trying to get an idea of wants/needs of the club for a Net, and is offering his Net.
Want/needs may include: VHF or HF? 10 meters? Should it be club specific? Repeaters or Simplex? Lynn welcomes feedback on this offer.
Arne Bush asked about the possibility for a GOTA class. Don advised he would advertise in his newsletter to see if 5 or 6 people are interested.
Rollo van Slyke made a motion to adjourn.
Arne Bush seconded the motion.
David Haycock gave a very informational presentation on the Buddipole Hex Beam antenna, which included slides and a demonstration of the how the actual antenna fits together.
Robin Wilson, Secetary